Dear Timekeepers and Payroll Managers,

Please review the following information outlining processing adjustments for timecard entries and sign off requirements during December.


In December, sign off deadlines for biweekly payroll uploads are: 

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 at 11:00 am: PPE 12/7/2024 sign off deadline
Friday, December 20, 2024 at 11:00 am*: PPE 12/21/2024 sign off deadline

BW PPE 12/7/2024 is business as usual. However, BW PPE 12/21/2024 requires adjustments to our usual process as the upload happens *before the pay period ends.

As the sign off deadline occurs prior to the end of the pay period, the Kronos Administrators will be enabling the capability to sign off Current Pay Period in Kronos. This capability will be available for use starting December 17, 2024 1:00 pm until December 20, 2024 11:00 am.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR BW PPE 12/21/2024 - Preparing Timecards for Upload

NOTE:  This is the same scenario as last year.

Departments need to ensure all biweekly timecards are complete and approved for the entire pay period (12/8 – 12/21) by Friday, December 20, 2024 at 11:00 am.

Hours need to be forecasted for employees that work on the last two days of the pay period (12/20 and 12/21). Forecasted hours will need to be reconciled after the holidays.  

  • If an employee punches for time entry: we recommend that they do not punch on these final two days of the pay period. Their manager should enter the forecasted hours on the timecard prior to Friday, 12/20. The employee should track their actuals and notify their department if adjustments are needed.
  • If an employee does not punch: the employee should enter the forecasted Hours Worked on their timecard prior to Friday, 12/20, track their actuals, and notify their department if adjustments are needed.

Department Payroll Managers need to sign off biweekly timecards for PPE 12/21 by Friday, December 20, 2024 at 11:00 am.

In Pay Period Close, be sure to switch the default date reference from Previous Pay Period to Current Pay Period.

  1. Review and sign off timecards from genie or timecard.
  2. Important!  Refresh Pay Period Close for Current Pay Period and review sign off column to ensure check mark indicators are present.
  3. Any biweekly timecards NOT signed off will result in missed pay.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR BW PPE 12/21/2024 - Reconciling Timecards After the Holidays

Determine if any employees require corrections for the forecasted hours on 12/20 and 12/21, and submit a Kronos Timekeeping Historical Correction ticket. It would be helpful if Historical Correction tickets were submitted by Friday, January 3, 2025 at Noon. The volume of corrections is unknown, and we want to allow ample time to complete your tickets before the next biweekly upload.


If you have any questions, or problems updating timecards or signing off Current Pay Period, please submit a ticket.